AL-ITQAN: JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC SCIENCES AND COMPARATIVE STUDIES <p><em>Al-Itqan</em>: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies is an academic, a peer-reviewed and bilingual (English and Arabic) online and free-accessed journal, published bi-annually; February and August, by the Department of Usul al-Din and Comparative Religion, AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Knowledge and Human Sciences International Islamic University of Malaysia.</p> <p><em>Al-Itqan</em> publishes articles, research reports, case studies and book reviews on diverse topics related to issues, problems and developments related to Islamic thought, comparative religion, Philosophy, social sciences, the arts and humanities. </p> <p><strong>OBJECTIVES </strong></p> <p>The aim of this journal is to provide a channel for academic staff as researchers and practitioners to share and discuss ideas, theories, views, research results on issues related to Islamic thought, comparative religion, Philosophy, social sciences, the arts and humanities. The journal will also provide readers with a proper understanding on the issues discussed.</p> <p><strong>SCOPE OF JOURNAL</strong></p> <p><em>Al-Itqan</em>: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies is an academic and a peer-reviewed Journal that covers articles, case studies, and book reviews on diverse topics related to issues, problems, and developments in Islamic Thought, Comparative Religion, Philosophy, Social Sciences, the Arts and Humanities.</p> <p><strong>PUBLICATION</strong></p> <p>The journal will be published twice a year, in February and August. There will be about 5 to 12 articles for every issue.</p> <p><strong>LANGUAGE</strong></p> <p><em>Al-Itqan</em>: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies is a bilingual Journal published in English and Arabic.</p> <p> </p> IIUM Journal Publications en-US AL-ITQAN: JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC SCIENCES AND COMPARATIVE STUDIES 2600-8432 An Analysis of Hamka’s Selected Historical Works <p>Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah was a prolific scholar who wrote more than one hundred books on various themes through various media. The existing literature has significantly covered various aspects of Hamka’s ideas. Though Hamka was learned in various spheres of knowledge, one of his favourite subjects was history. However, Hamka’s discourse on history is found wanting. Thus, this paper discusses Hamka’s contributions to history with special reference to <em>Sejarah Umat Islam and Antara Fakta dan Khayal Tuanku Rao</em>. Hamka’s most profound work on history is Sejarah Umat Islam. Hamka who had sharp eyes and a high degree of historical mindset was very critical of the so-called history books but departed from the true nature of historical inquiry. For Hamka, one such work was by M.O. Parlindungan, Tuanku Rao: Terror agama Islam Mazhab Hambali di Tanah Batak, 1816-1833, published in 1964. Hamka criticised this work due to several conspicuous factual inaccuracies. Among the important issues were M.O. Parlindungan’s claims about the Shiah influence in Minangkabau and some fantastic claims about the Padri movement. Therefore, in 1974, he wrote a book, Tuanku Rao: Antara fakta dan khayal, and took Parlindungan to task. This paper starts with a brief discussion of Hamka’s profile and education. Then, it examines Hamka’s role and contribution as a historian by discussing his two major works on history: <em>Sejarah Umat Islam and Antara Fakta dan Khayal Tuanku Rao.</em></p> HAFIZ ZAKARIYA Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 5 6 19 HAMKA’s Discourse on Sufism in the “Verse of Light” <p>This article aims at highlighting HAMKA’s discourse on Sufism in the ‘Verse of Light’ of Surah of al-Nūr in his Tafsir al-Azhar, the first complete Malay commentary of the Qur’an written around 1958-1966. It is well-known that HAMKA had written several earlier works on Sufism including <em>Tasauf Moderen (1939)</em> and <em>Perkembangan Tasauf dari Abad ke Abad (1952)</em>. The later was republished in 1978 under <em>Tasauf: Perkembangan dan Pemurniannya</em> combining with his university lecture “<em>Mengembalikan Tasauf ke Pangkalnya</em>” conducted in 1958. Comparing to these works, his Tafsir is more vibrant since the subject is under the realm of the Qur’anic discourse. As such HAMKA has pointed out the position of <em>taṣawwuf</em> in his <em>Tafsīr</em>, namely in Surah al-Baqarah (<em>Juz’</em> 3), Surah Āli- ʿImrān, Surah al-Aʿraf, Surah Yūsuf, Surah al-Mu’minūn, and Surah al-Nūr, thus can be a source in understanding HAMKA’s discourse on Sufism in the Qur’an. He had highlighted Sufism in the introduction to Part (<em>juz’</em>) 18, the earlier part that he had chosen to write his tafsir beginning from 1958. This research employs the qualitative methodology in which materials are from the Qur’an, books and journal articles. Findings reveal that the “Verse of Light” highlights some aspects of Sufism in which God, prophet, religion as well as human response to it in term of knowledge and practice. It is a discourse in Islamic spirituality. As far as HAMKA is concerned, God is the source of the Divine light which reached to the Prophet as a revelation as well as religion in order to benefit humanity, figuratively employed as the “light” (<em>nūr</em>) to the Heavens and earth. Moreover, the Qur’an uses an analogy to present this Ṣufī discourse in theory and practice. For HAMKA Sufism is an authentic philosophy of Islam (<em>kefalsafahan Islam</em>) as well as a “science” or “knowledge” (<em>ʿilm</em>) in Islam.</p> ABDUL SALAM MUHAMAD SHUKRI Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 5 21 39 HAMKA's Approach in Dealing with the Orphans in Tafsir al-Azhar: A Comparative Study with the Current Issues and Implementations in Malaysia <p>Hamka's approach in dealing with orphans, as presented in his Tafsir al-Azhar, emphasises the importance of providing holistic care and support for these vulnerable members of society. This approach includes not only meeting their basic needs for food, shelter, and education, but also addressing their emotional and psychological needs through nurturing relationships and a supportive community from a Quranic worldview. This comparative study examines the implementation of Hamka's approach in Malaysia, with a focus on current issues and challenges faced in providing adequate care for orphans. Employing a qualitative method of research, the study highlights the importance of incorporating Hamka's holistic approach in addressing the complex needs of orphans, and explores ways in which this approach can be adapted and improved to better serve the needs of orphans in Malaysia. Through an analysis of both Hamka's approach and current practices in Malaysia, this study provides insights and recommendations for policymakers, practitioners, and other stakeholders involved in the care of orphans. Ultimately, the study aims to recognise the contribution of Hamka to ongoing efforts to improve the lives and well-being of orphans in Malaysia and beyond.</p> ROUDLATUL FIRDAUS FATAH YASIN Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 5 41 66 Hamka on Chastity and Its Importance in Preserving Muslim Identity: An Analysis <p>Lifestyle of the Muslim youth nowadays has been challenged by manifold temptations, brought about by internal as well as external causes. To be identified as modern and up-to-date, many of them easily allure to modern lifestyles that recognize less religious boundaries. Observing chastity or <em>‘iffah</em> has no longer been considered as relevant.&nbsp; Negative impacts befall the individual as well as society at various level due to non-conformities to the ethical value of chastity.&nbsp; Concern with remedial approach to the modern and future ethical crisis, Hamka, throughout his writings underscores the importance of chastity in thoughts, actions and, behaviour particularly in the context of Muslim relationships with others.&nbsp; The primary aim of this paper is to highlight the notion of chastity, challenges to observe the virtue in present time, the importance of chastity and ways of preserving and contextualizing the virtue in the light of Hamka’s wisdom.</p> NOOR AMALI MOHD DAUD Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 5 67 81 Hamka’s Contribution to the Field of Anthropology: Another Perspective on Hamka’s Work <p>Hamka (Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah) was one of the most prominent Islamic scholars. His work is widespread in Malay-speaking countries. In this paper, the researchers examine a different perspective, namely, on how far Hamka contributed to the field of anthropology. Hamka spent more than four months travelling in the United States and some Arab nations in the 1950s. He published his observations and came to some thought-provoking conclusions. Furthermore, he expressed his views about the people of Nusantara in many of his works. The researchers followed an approach of the sociology of knowledge in the sense of Karl Mannheim. The social position or the passage of time are two circumstances that may cause knowledge and perceptions to shift. It was discovered that some of Hamka’s views concern anthropological questions. Additionally, it was detected that he considered traditional anthropological concepts and participated in discussions. He gave an impression of the history of ideas within a society. Hamka used precise methods to communicate his knowledge, including realistic case studies and descriptions of his own experiences. He made a variety of contributions to anthropological knowledge and emphasised emic understanding.</p> ALEXANDER STARK Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 5 83 97 Hamka on His Concept Of Healthy Soul In Muhammadiyah Organization: A Study Towards The Book Of “Pedoman Hidup Islami Warga Muhammadiyah” <p>Hamka was among the great Muslim scholars in Indonesia. His teaching had spread around the Archipelago. He was known as the founder of Modern Tasawuf in Indonesia. One of his teachings is the healthy soul. He viewed in his book of Modern Tasawwuf that the healthy soul is like the healthy body which can be measured its temperature. He said that the healthy soul should be maintained by four things; shaja’ah, ‘iffah, hikmah, and ‘adalah. In history, Hamka was one of the leaders of Muhammadiyah Organization in Indonesia. Even though he had passed away, some of his teachings were existed until today. By the development of Muhammadiyah, today they have a book of “Pedoman Hidup Islami Warga Muhammadiyah”. This book become the guidelines of Muhammadiyah Society. Researcher found that the teachings of healthy soul by Hamka is still existed in this book. This research used philosophical approach and the kind of research is library research. The method of collecting data used the documentation method. While data analysis used the descriptive analysis method. Focus of the research is the existence of Hamka’s teaching of healthy soul in the book of “Pedoman Hidup Islami Warga Muhammadiyah”. After the research, researcher found that maintaining four things in the concept of healthy soul by Hamka is exixted in two important topics. First in the Islamic view towards life. Second, in the Islamic view on Islamic life for Muhammadiyah Society.</p> MUHAMAD NURROSYID HUDA SETIAWAN KHOLID KAROMI Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 5 99 110 Role of the National Shūrā Council (NSC) in establishing religious coexistence in Sri Lanka <p>Sri Lanka is a multi-religious, multi-ethnic, and multicultural country. The Buddhists form the ethnic majority group, while Hindus, Muslims, and Christians are minority groups. The records show that Muslims have a long history of peaceful coexistence with other ethnic groups in Sri Lanka. However, after the civil war ended in 2009, hostilities against Muslim groups increased. Islamic organisations in Sri Lanka are accused of promoting religious extremism and threatening religious harmony. Following the Easter Sunday attacks in 2019, Muslim and Islamic organisations were suspended. In light of these recent events, this research focuses on the role of the National Shoora Council in fostering religious coexistence in Sri Lanka and tries to identify the existing challenges. This is a qualitative study that relies on primary and secondary data. Interviews were conducted with the National Shūrā Council representatives for primary data collection.</p> MR. FATHIMA AFRA THAMEEM USHAMA Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 5 111 132 Al-Faruqi’s Concept of Tawḥīd and Its Relevance to Madani’s Idea in Addressing the Issue of Racism in Malaysia <p>Religious diversity is frequently a barrier to interreligious relations. This is due to the fact that religious diversity usually leads to disputes and conflicts. As a result, many scholars offered proper approach to managing this diversity. Robert N. Bellah is popularly known with his idea of Civil Religion. This study aims to explain the concept of Civil Religion as proposed by Bellah then analyzing the implementation of his ideas for managing religious diversity. This study employs qualitative methodology through library research to collect the data. Thus, the data is analyzed by adopting descriptive and critical analysis methods. The findings revealed that Civil Religion in Bellah's view is a set of religious beliefs that are the basis and foundation for the identity and self-understanding of the United States as a nation and people. Second, Civil Religion places religion and belief under the state constitution in managing religious diversity. Third, Civil Religion is part of the understanding of religious pluralism, and even though it is a new religion, it has become the main reference for all human behavior.</p> RUQAYYA AZHARI CHE AMNAH BAHARI Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 5 133 158 Buddhist’s Kalyāṇamitta and Ṣūfi’s Shaykh-Murid: A Comparative Exploration of Spiritual Mentorship in Buddhism and Islam <p>Spiritual mentorship is essential in both Buddhism and Islam because it offers seekers individualized support and direction on their path to self-realization and spiritual bliss. The Buddhist concept of <em>Kalyāṇamitta</em> and the <em>Ṣūfi </em>idea of <em>Shaykh</em>-<em>Murid</em> explain the importance of the experienced and wise spiritual guide who will assign the meditators to attain spiritual perfection. So, the objective of this research is to investigate the fundamental roles of Buddhist <em>Kalyāṇamitta</em> and the Sufi idea of <em>Shaykh</em>-<em>Murid</em> as methods for personal transformation and spiritual growth to make better interreligious understanding among the adherences. The study examines the philosophical foundations, historical orientations, and practical applications of these ideas in the two traditions through a comparative lens. Through an examination of relevant primary and secondary sources, scriptures, and scholarly works, this research aims to elucidate the spiritual practices that enable seekers to cross the transformative journeys of both Buddhism and Islam. Although Buddhism and Islam are two different religions, the study's findings show that they have many fundamental parallels in the pursuit of spiritual mentorship. This research concludes by empowering Buddhist-Muslim interreligious understanding and lessening misconceptions within them through finding commonalities on spiritual mentorship, and discipleship. Mentorship plays a crucial role in both Buddhism and Islam, providing personalized guidance and support to individuals on their quest for self-realization and spiritual fulfillment. This is exemplified in the Buddhist concept of <em>Kalyāṇamitta</em> and the Sufi notion of Shaykh-Murid, highlighting the significance of experienced and wise spiritual guides who assist practitioners in achieving spiritual excellence. Consequently, this study aims to explore the foundational roles of Buddhist <em>Kalyāṇamitta</em> and the Sufi concept of Shaykh-Murid as vehicles for personal transformation and spiritual development, fostering greater interreligious understanding among their followers. By employing a comparative approach, this research delves into the philosophical underpinnings, historical context, and practical applications of these concepts within both traditions. Through an examination of primary and secondary sources, scriptures, and scholarly literature, the research seeks to elucidate the spiritual practices that facilitate transformative journeys in both Buddhism and Islam. Despite the apparent differences between Buddhism and Islam, the study's findings reveal remarkable parallels in their pursuit of spiritual mentorship. In conclusion, this research empowers interreligious understanding between Buddhists and Muslims, dispelling misconceptions and highlighting common ground in the realms of spiritual mentorship and discipleship.</p> NUR SURIYA MOHD NOR Mohamed Ashath Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 5 159 171 Zeenath Kausar’s Views on Women’s Empowerment from an Islamic Perspective <p>Women’s empowerment is an ongoing process that goals to provide women with the necessary resources, knowledge, and agency to take control of their lives and contribute to society. Scholars, including Zeenath Kausar, have played a significant role in discussing women’s empowerment from an Islamic viewpoint. Kausar places great importance on equality, education, economic and marital rights, and active social and political participation for women. She presents an Islamic Action Plan as an alternative framework, incorporating both Islamic and Western ideologies to provide a comprehensive understanding of women’s empowerment. However, Kausar’s particular focus on the Qur’ānic perspective, exploration of Western political thinkers, and emphasis on practical action frameworks make her writings particularly noteworthy in the field of women’s empowerment. The objective of this paper is to highlights the role of Zeenath Kausar as a scholar who has played a significant role in discussing women’s empowerment within the context of Islam. The methodology of this research is qualitative.&nbsp; Kausar’s writings, including her books, articles, and speeches, will be subjected to content analysis. This method allows for a systematic examination of her key themes, arguments, and perspectives related to women’s empowerment by Islamic perspective.</p> MADIHA SHAHZEDI NADZRAH AHMAD Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 5 173 187 An Insight into Al-Qaraḍāwī’s Approach to Methodology of Daʿwah <p>One of the highest forms of service to Allah is to invite people to Islam. This includes to invite non-Muslims to Islam and to correct misappropriations among the Muslims through application of dacwah. Daʿwah as the primary responsibility of the Messenger of Allah and Ulama’ of every generation in Islamic history take it to high esteem. Each scholar explores means available and methods considered appropriate and convenient for him in carrying out daʿwah activities. Al-Qaraḍāwī is a controversial personality and a dacī of international repute who has made remarkable impact in Islamic history in the 21st century. This paper critically assesses Al-Qaraḍāwī’s methods of daʿwah. The study, given its nature, is library based with extensive literature review of his works as well as his lectures from audio-visual channels. The concept of moderation, reality and combination between traditionalism and reform are found to dominate his fatawā and publications.</p> KHALID ISHOLA BELLO Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 5 189 206 HAMKA’s Concept of Islamic Literature <p>HAMKA (Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah), the renowned Indonesian preacher, is considered one of the most influential Islamic figures in the Malay Archipelago. He was a divine, encyclopedic scholar who mastered several sciences and knowledge, such as tafsir, Islamic jurisprudence, history, politics, sociology, and literature. In the field of literature, he produced beautiful and wonderful novels and short stories that were widely accepted by readers, classic and modern, and critics and scholars also paid great attention to them. His literary trend was an Islamic trend, and anyone who follows his literary productions can clearly notice this. However, he did not devote a separate book on the theoretical aspect of literature, but we find him discussing a lot in his books and writings about literature and matters related to it. Based on that, this research aims to shed light on the concept of Islamic literature according to Hamka by collecting and studying his opinions scattered throughout his many and varied books and writings, which are represented in defining literature, its goals, sources, characteristics, types, fields, and other matters related to literature. The research adopts a content analysis approach by analyzing his views related to literature in general and Islamic literature in particular, contained in his various books and writings. The importance of the research comes from paying attention to Hamka’s theoretical literature, which has little interest among literary critics, scholars, and researchers interested in Hamka’s thought. This aspect is very important in understanding Hamka’s literary and critical thought in a deeper and more accurate way, God willing.</p> MUHAMMAD ANWAR AHMAD Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 5 207 219