The Family Institution and Its Role in Education from the Perspective of Confucian Religion


  • Chandra Setiawan


Marriage, Family, Values, Confucianism, Religion


This paper examines the concept of family and its relationship with marriage and education from the perspective of Confucian Religion. The author discusses the importance of love and benevolence (Ren), glorifying Tian (almighty God), and ethics as some of the factors of education that strengthen a family unit. The author goes on to employ qualitative methodology that covers critical and textual analysis on the written materials related to the topic in his pursue of this research. Findings reveal that according to Confucius the goal of education is to become fully human who learns and pursues the Confucian core values (ren, yi, li, zhi, and xin), and thus cultivate and practice them in his day-to-day lives. This education that is imbued with benevolence is the manifestation of the family institution


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How to Cite

Setiawan, C. (2018). The Family Institution and Its Role in Education from the Perspective of Confucian Religion. AL-ITQAN: JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC SCIENCES AND COMPARATIVE STUDIES, 2(1), 29–37. Retrieved from