Social Integration of People with Sensory Disabilities: A Juristic Maqāṣidic Study in Personal Status

الدمج الاجتماعي لذوي الإعاقة الحسية: دراسة فقهية مقاصدية في الأحوال الشخصية


  • Salih Kadir al-Zanki Professor - Dept. of Fiqh & Usul Fiqh - University of Qatar
  • Amal Muhammad al-Arjani Phd Student - Dept. of Fiqh & Usul Fiqh - University of Qatar



Sensory Disability, Personal Status, Objectives of Sharīʽah, Islamic Fiqh, Social Integration


Considering the increase in the number of people with disabilities, and the great attention this group receives from community institutions at the medical, social and educational levels, this research aims to reflect the attention of Islamic Sharīʽah in integrating and protecting the rights of persons with disabilities and establishing the principle of inclusion, equality and justice between them and the rest of the members of the same society by studying the jurisprudential personal status rulings for the people with sensory disabilities. The goal is to clarify the Sharīʽah objectives of these jurisprudential rulings on the one hand and link them to modern psychological and social studies on the other hand. The research problem lies in the need to reveal the compatibility of Sharīʽah rulings for the people with disabilities with the objectives of Sharīʽah. The research combines inductive, analytical, descriptive, and comparative approaches. Among the most important findings of the study is that, in its rulings for the people with sensory disabilities, Islamic Sharīʽah considered the sensory, physical, psychological, and social objectives, as well as all the differences and the characteristics that distinguish them from others. The study also found that marriage helps to integrate people with disabilities into society, overcome many of the difficulties they face, as well as the concerns of disability.


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How to Cite

al-Zanki, S. K., & Muhammad al-Arjani, A. (2022). Social Integration of People with Sensory Disabilities: A Juristic Maqāṣidic Study in Personal Status: الدمج الاجتماعي لذوي الإعاقة الحسية: دراسة فقهية مقاصدية في الأحوال الشخصية. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul Al-Fiqh Studies, 6(1), 6–22.



Arabic Articles