Concept of Terrorism, its Nature and Dimensions from the Perspective of Islamic Law of Jihad: A Case Study of Nigeria
الإرهاب مفهومه وطبيعته وأبعاده من منظور فقه الجهاد: حالة نيجيريا نموذجا
Terrorism, Extremism, Jihad, Islam, SecurityAbstract
Islam is the right religion that considers humanity as the focal point of its legislation. On the basis of that, it pays great attention to the security of individuals and the society at large. And, it makes the protection of one's blood, wealth and integrity among its exigencies. Allah (SWT) has endowed mankind with intellect and understanding in order for him to make good use of them in making himself as well as his society happy, and utilize them in building the earth and the entire universe. Therefore, if a man deviates from this mission and tends to promote evil and destruction, that means he goes against the sound nature and instinct with which he is created. Indubitably, terrorism, nowadays is the clear manifestation of deviation from the pure nature with which mankind is created. On the basis of this, this topic is chosen so as to express the stance of Islam in relation to it (terrorism). This research also aims to examine some types of terrorism. The work contains an introduction, three sections and conclusion. Several definitions of terrorism literally and technically and the relationship between extremism and hyperbole in religion are discussed. It also encapsulates the genesis of terrorism in the world, among Muslims, and specifically in Nigeria, and depicts terrorism and its nature in a broad sense and discusses difference between holding on to religion and terrorism. It also distinguishes between Jihad and terrorism, mentions the importance of peace in Islam and the position of Islam in relation to terrorism. In order to accomplish these goals, the researchers use descriptive and analytical methods. They have concluded with the most important findings and recommendations.
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