Suspension of Friday and Daily Congregational Prayers during Pandemic: A Juristic Maqasidic Study

التوقف عن صلاة الجمعة والجماعات في زمن الوباء: دراسة فقهية مقاصدية


  • A .K. M. Bodruzzaman Graduate Student in Islamic Law, Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya, Turkey
  • Mohammad Nurunnabi Lecturer in Islamic Studies, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh



Pandemic, Corona Virus, Suspension, Friday and Congregational Prayes, Protection of Life


This study analyses the rulings of Islamic Shari'ah regarding the suspension of daily and weekly congregational prayers during COVID-19 or any other situation like this. Since saving lives from any harm is one of the major objectives of Sharīʿah, it prefers performing prayers at home instead of going to the mosque for prayer in congregation during COVID-19 pandemic. Descriptive method has been followed in this article through incorporating the opinions of Muslim scholars and some international fiqh academies regarding the suspension of congregational prayers during COVID-19. The study, primarily, reveals Sharīʿah rulings for three issues of congressional prayers during any pandemic or emergency situation. They are: firstly, the ruling for Friday and daily congregational prayers in the mosque during COVID-19; secondly, ruling for attending Friday and congregational daily prayers for those who are already affected; thirdly, ruling for attending Friday and daily congregational prayers in the mosques by following preventive measures.


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How to Cite

Bodruzzaman, A. .K. M., & Nurunnabi, M. (2021). Suspension of Friday and Daily Congregational Prayers during Pandemic: A Juristic Maqasidic Study: التوقف عن صلاة الجمعة والجماعات في زمن الوباء: دراسة فقهية مقاصدية. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul Al-Fiqh Studies, 5(2), 12–24.



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