Imam’s (President’s) Influence in Removing the Disagreement over Disputed Issues

أثر الإمام الرئيس في رفع الخلاف في المسائل الخلافية


  • Safa Ahmed Nureldin Faculty of Human Sciences & Islamic Sciences, University Oran 1, Ahmed Ben Bella, Algeria



The President, Disagreement, Disputed Issues, Lifting The Dispute, The Obligation


This article deals with the issue of an imam’s removal of disagreement in matters of conflict, which are the Sharī‛ah issues on which scholars disputed in two or more opinions. The research problem is finding the limit of the imam’s dealing with the removal of disagreement; and whether the people are obligated to abide by his view in disputed issues; and explaining the nature of his dealing. This research follows the analytical, descriptive and comparative approaches through presenting the concepts and terms related to the research and limiting the subject of the dispute to practical issues that are disputed in acts of worship, transactions, or customs if they do not relate to specific ones. This study concludes that one of the reasons for the disagreement is the contradiction of some generalities. The same applies to the difference in the interpretation of the āthār (tradiions) on the issue. Likewise, it concludes that the opinion of considering imam’s ruling as binding is preponderant and it removes the disagreement in issues of jurisprudential dispute, and that his dealing at that time is a matter of Sharī‛ah policy that requires the imam to act in the parish according to the legitimate interest.


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How to Cite

Ahmed Nureldin, S. (2021). Imam’s (President’s) Influence in Removing the Disagreement over Disputed Issues: أثر الإمام الرئيس في رفع الخلاف في المسائل الخلافية. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul Al-Fiqh Studies, 5(1), 6–18.



Arabic Articles