مشكلة البطالة عند الشباب الأفغاني وسبل علاجها في ضوء السنة النبوية

Unemployment Problem Among Afghan Youth and Its Solution In light of the Sunnah


  • Abdul karim Wasimi IIUM
  • Nashwan Abdo Khaled Qaid International Islamic University Malaysia




Keywords: unemployment problem, Afghan youth, effects of unemployment, and solutions



This research aims to study the problem of unemployment among young people in Afghanistan and ways to solve it in light of the Sunnah of the Prophet. This phenomenon is a major problem for the Afghan people. The Sunnah of the Prophet charted the best approach in solving the phenomenon of unemployment. The problem of unemployment was addressed through general and special guidelines and principles. Among the general prophetic instructions in this regard are; the prohibition of charity on the rich or the one who is able to work, and the pursuit of a halal livelihood. Among the special prophetic directives in addressing this problem are, encouragement to work, urging certain crafts and professions. The research adopted the inductive methodology for collecting texts from authors, relevant sources, and references. The research also followed the analytical method to analyze the field study results, which aimed to get the experts opinions from university professors and other professionals. The study sample was conducted in Afghanistan and consisted of 173 participants (168 males and 5 females) and data were collected using a questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire were analyzed through the technique of SPSS. The study concluded with several results, the notable of which include the following: Among the main reasons for the rise in unemployment are the ending of  the ongoing wars and pursuing the real Afghan peace plan, which came in the first place with 88.6%. Secondly, the Agricultural development and economy stands with 87.4%. Thirdly, the tourism industry and its role in job creation stands at 77.6%. In light of these results, the Sunnah of the Prophet recommends the effective measures to solve the problem of unemployment; such as job placement, trade, agriculture, adopting various occupations. This is to ensure safety, happiness, and a blessed life for all; to save religion, belief, and morality from possible threats; and to preserve the individual, the family, and society from the corruptions and vices that unemployment may create in life. In light of all this, the study recommends directing students to the suitable disciplines that possess high demand in the job market. The study also recommends that the training centers need to invent useful programs and offer outstanding qualifications that correspond to the needs of the job market.


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How to Cite

Wasimi, Abdul karim, and Nashwan Abdo Khaled Qaid. 2022. “مشكلة البطالة عند الشباب الأفغاني وسبل علاجها في ضوء السنة النبوية: Unemployment Problem Among Afghan Youth and Its Solution In Light of the Sunnah”. AL-BURHĀN: JOURNAL OF QURʾĀN AND SUNNAH STUDIES 6 (3). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.:148-75. https://doi.org/10.31436/alburhn.v6i3.255.


