Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer Patients Among Gezira State-Central of Sudan


  • Fatima A Hamad Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, University of Gezira, The head Department of Oncology, National Cancer Institute, University of Gezira
  • and D. O. Abuidris




The aim of this study is to assess the risk factors for prostate cancer among Sudanese patients treated in National Cancer Institute (NCI), Gezira University, Wadmedani, Sudan. The study was performed on 268 prostate cancer patients, age ranging between 45-98 years. Similar number of 268 persons (age and sex matched) was used as control group .The study period was from May-2006 to December-2009. Data was collected from patients using a questionnaire which was filled in order to obtain information regarding: age, residence, tribe, education levels, occupation, marital status, stage of disease, family history and habits .The body mass index (BMI) was determined by anthropometrics measurements ( weight& height). Prostate cancer is the commonest cancer among male patients treated in the NCI. The mean age of patients was 72.2±9.25. Most of patients (73.9%) were over 66-years. Family history is positive in 18(6.7%) of the patients. Rural inhabitants were 79.8% of all cases. The disease is equally distributed among different tribes. The illiteracy among cases is 39.1%. The commonest occupation was farming (60.1%). Majority (90.7%) of the patients were married. Most cases (85.4%) presented with stage ІІІ and ІV. 73% of the patients had one or more of unhealthy habits (smoking, snuff and alcohol). the BMI was high in 6.9% of the patients. Risk factors for prostate cancer in the study area, which may appear to have a high significant effect, were: the age, education level, occupation, unhealthy habits and the BMI.

ABSTRAK: Tujuan kajian ini dijalankan ialah untuk menilai faktor-faktor risiko untuk kanser prostat di kalangan pesakit-pesakit yang dirawat di Institut Kanser Kebangsaan (NCI), Universiti Gezira, Wadmedani, Sudan. Kajian dijalankan pada 268 pesakit kanser prostat, berumur di antara 45-98 tahun. Jumlah bilangan pesakit yang sama iaitu seramai 268 orang (sama umur dan jantina) telah digunakan sebagai kumpulan kawalan.Tempoh kajian ialah pada Mei 2006 sehingga Disember 2009. Data diperolehi daripada pesakit-pesakit dengan menggunakan boring soal selidik yang diisi untuk mendapatkan maklumat: umur, tempat tinggal, puak, taraf pendidikan, pekerjaan, status perkahwinan, peringkat penyakit, sejarah keluarga dan tabiat-tabiat. Indeks jisim badan (BMI) telah ditentukan melalui pengukuran antropometri (berat dan ketinggian). Kanser prostat ialah kanser yang paling banyak dihidapi pesakit-pesakit yang dirawat di NCI. Purata umur ialah 72.2±9.25. Kebanyakan pesakit (73.9%) berumurlebih 66 tahun. Sejarah keluarga ialah positif pada 18 (6.7%) pesakit. Penduduk luar bandar ialah 79.8% daripada keseluruhan jumlah kes. Penyakit ini terbahagi sama rata di antara puak-puak. Kadar buta huruf di antara kes-kes ialah 39.1%. Pekerjaan yang paling banyak ialah bertani (60.1%). Majoriti (90.7%) pesakit telah berkahwin. Kebanyakan kes-kes (85.4%) menghidapi peringkat III dan IV penyakit. 73% daripada jumlah pesakit mempunyai satu atau lebih tabiat yang kurang sihat (merokok, menghidu, dan alkohol). 6.9% pesakit mempunyai indeks jisim badan (BMI) yang tinggi. Faktor-faktor risiko untuk kanser prostat di dalam kawasan kajian yang menunjukkan kesan signifikan yang tinggi ialah: umur, taraf pendidikan, pekerjaan, tabiat-tabiat kurang sihat dan indeks jisim badan (BMI).


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How to Cite

Hamad, F. A., & Abuidris, and D. O. (2011). Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer Patients Among Gezira State-Central of Sudan. IIUM Engineering Journal, 12(4). https://doi.org/10.31436/iiumej.v12i4.179