Guarantees of Management of the Investigating Judge in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Their Impact on His Independence in the Light of Islamic Law and International Treaties

ضمانات إدارة قاضي التحقيق في المملكة العربية السعودية وأثرها على استقلاليَّته في ضوء الشريعة الإسلامية والمواثيق الدولية


  • Yasir Salim alQurashi Lecturer, Faculty of Shariah and Law, Taif University, Saudi Arabia
  • Muhammad Ibrahim elNajashi Assoc. Prof., Ahmad Ibrahim Kuliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Muhammad Laeba Assoc. Prof., Ahmad Ibrahim Kuliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia



The judiciary is regarded as the primary protector of the rights and freedoms of individuals from any abuse or tyranny; and its independence protects it form any intervention and influence. Likewise, a number of guarantees are needed to ensure the protection of judiciary among which are guarantees for the management of investigating judge. Therefore, this research aims at revealing the relationship between the management of the investigating judge in the Saudi law, his independence and the security that the independence of his management requires. The problem statement of this research is reflected in the extent to which Saudi law ensures the guarantees that are required for independence of the investigating judge in his way of administration. The importance of the paper lies in the assessment of these guarantees, the extent of their agreement with Islamic law and international treaties, and bridging gaps between them. Considering the nature of the study, the researcher adopts the descriptive, analytical and comparative approaches. The results of the study show the existence of some problems and gaps in the guarantees for independence of the investigating judge related to his management. The researcher recommends some amendments to this law to ensure the guarantee for his independence, which have been proposed in the end of the findings.

Keywords: Guarantees, Management, Investigating Judge, Independence of Judiciary, Saudi Law, International Treaties


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How to Cite

alQurashi, Y. S., elNajashi, M. I., & Laeba, M. (2018). Guarantees of Management of the Investigating Judge in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Their Impact on His Independence in the Light of Islamic Law and International Treaties: ضمانات إدارة قاضي التحقيق في المملكة العربية السعودية وأثرها على استقلاليَّته في ضوء الشريعة الإسلامية والمواثيق الدولية. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul Al-Fiqh Studies, 2(1), 69–82.


