About the Journal

al-Burhān is a biannual internationally refereed journal which publishes articles in English and Arabic. The journal is managed by the Department of Qurʾan and Sunnah Studies, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (KIRKHS), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in collaboration with IIUM Journal Publication Unit, and published online by IIUM Press. The Editorial Board of the Journal welcomes contributions of papers on any topics related to Qurʾan, Sunnah and Sīrah studies. al-Burhān is intended to provide an avenue for scholars, academics, and researchers from all persuasions and traditions to forward, share and discuss their views, opinions, theories, arguments and all that can adopt the academic language with the purpose of enhancing the discourse of advanced revelation and scriptural knowledge and education. al-Burhān ultimately aims to become one of the leading platforms for knowledge on Islam that will leave a positive impact on the progress of society and the betterment of humanity. The eISSN of al-Burhān is 2600-8386.

Objectives and Scope:

The primary objective of the Journal is to promote qualitative or/and quantitative research in subjects and areas related to Qur’an and Sunnah studies alongside other related disciplines. The journal advances to integrate the living wisdom of the traditional Islamic revealed knoweldge and heritage with the contemporary designs and approaches of various disciplines of human knowledge and sciences. It serves as a platform for scholars, academics and researchers to share their findings, new ideas, arguments, criticism, opinions and expertise in the field. The journal covers a wide range of subjects including metaphysics, philosophy, theology, linguistic and legal thought, socio-cultural dimension of classical and modern life, psychology, education, communication and new media, information technology, gender and identity studies, creative development and future studies, and other relevant subjects as long as relevantisation and scriptural perspectives are observed.

The readership of the Journal includes academics, professionals, researchers, and students. Keeping the audience in view, the referees are requested to advise on the suitability of the submitted manuscripts for publication in al-Burhān: Journal of Qurʾān and Sunnah Studies.


"Traditional embracement, critical engagement, spiritual enhancement"