نقد نظرية الإمامة الاثني عشريّة عند البرقعي من خلال تفسيره

al-Burqaʿī's Refutation Against the Imāmites in his Exegesis


  • Roudlotul Firdaus Fatah Yasin Asst. Prof., Department of Qurʾan and Sunnah Studies, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Muhammad Anwar Abdul Rashid Graduate Researcher, Department of Qurʾan and Sunnah Studies, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia




Tafsir al-Burqaʿī, The Twelvers Shīʿites, Refutations, Sects in Islam, Exegetical Method


religion (Usul al-Din), namely faith in Allah, His angels, His Books, His Apostles, and the Last Day. No human can deny any of them, neither can add anything to it regardless of his social rank. However, it is found that the theory of the “twelve Imamate of Shiite” which has become the origins of the Shi'ah belief has separate them from other doctrines, to the extent that it is considered as higher than the level of prophecy among some of them. In doing so, the twelve Imamate of Shiite wrongly cited and interpreted a number of verses of the Holy Qurʾān to support their imamate claim. Many scholars and Qur’anic commentators have refuted this argumentation including al-Burqa'i, who had blessed efforts to respond to it within his interpretation of the Holy Qur’an (Tafsīr al-Burqa'i). This article attempts to study and analyze the method of al-Burqa'i in refuting Shiite’s misinterpretation, which has been put forward by them as their evidences to prove the imamate as one of the fundamental of the religion. The study concludes that any fundamental doctrine of a religion must be based on a right method of interpretation of Divine Revelation and any inclusion or exclusion of which is contrary to the truth and reason together do not benefit the absolute science of certainty (yaqīn).


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How to Cite

Fatah Yasin, Roudlotul Firdaus, and Muhammad Anwar Abdul Rashid. 2017. “نقد نظرية الإمامة الاثني عشريّة عند البرقعي من خلال تفسيره: Al-Burqaʿī’s Refutation Against the Imāmites in His Exegesis”. AL-BURHĀN: JOURNAL OF QURʾĀN AND SUNNAH STUDIES 1 (1). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.:89–108. https://doi.org/10.31436/alburhn.v1i1.93.


